Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Cod y Modiwl
Teitl y Modiwl
Darlleniadau mewn troseddeg
Blwyddyn Academaidd
Cyd-gysylltydd y Modiwl
Semester 1
Anghymharus (Unrhyw Flwyddyn Acad)
Staff Eraill sy'n Cyfrannu

Manylion y cyrsiau

Math o Ddysgu Manylion / Hyd Dysgu
Darlith 2 x Darlithoedd 2 Awr
Seminar 5 x Seminarau 2 Awr

Dulliau Asesu

Math o Assessiad Manylion / Hyd Assessiad Cyfran
Asesiad Semester Presentation  50%
Asesiad Semester Essay  of 1500 words required in week 12.  50%
Asesiad Ailsefyll Presentation  - if presentation element failed  50%
Asesiad Ailsefyll Essay  of 1500 words - if essay element failed  50%

Canlyniadau Dysgu

Wedi cwblhau'r modiwl dylai'r myfyrwyr:

(Apologies - translation to follow)
1. Read confidently over all the major disciplines involved in criminology
2. Evaluate data drawn from disparate disciplines
3 Analyse the way in which the different disciplines interact within criminology

Disgrifiad cryno

Each week students will be asked to read a set text or collection of texts or to prepare for a discussion. The contact sessions will be used to enable students to develop their understanding of those texts. Students are expected to invest time in reading around the subject. Students may be asked to work in groups.

Apologies - translation to follow - for now, for further information see CR10410


Mae'r modiwl hwn yn cydymffurfio a FfCChC Lefel 4