Gwybodaeth Modiwlau

Module Identifier
Module Title
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
Academic Year
Semester 2 (Taught over 2 semesters)
Exclusive (Any Acad Year)
Reading List
Other Staff

Course Delivery



Assessment Type Assessment length / details Proportion
Semester Assessment Individual Poster  (500 words)  40%
Semester Assessment SONA Participation  (6 credits)  10%
Semester Assessment Lab Report 1  (1500 words)  50%
Supplementary Assessment Written essay on importance of research participation  (500 words)  10%
Supplementary Assessment Individual Poster  (500 words)  40%
Supplementary Assessment Lab Report 1  (1500 words)  50%

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the key principles of quantitative and qualitative research design.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of when to use and how to calculate a range of descriptive, and parametric and non-parametric tests.

3. Use specialist analytical software appropriately.

4. Identify when to use different research methods appropriately.

5. Demonstrate an understanding of the need for and use of ethics in psychology.

6. Develop an appreciation of the importance of research participation within the Department.

Brief description

Psychology as a science; the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in psychology; principles of ethics in experimentation; codes of ethical practice. Experimental design and control.


This module provides an introduction to research methods in psychology, assumes no prior knowledge of psychology and provides students with a knowledge base for future study. It provides students with an overview of the basic terminology and concepts of both qualitative and quantitative research methods together with an introduction to research ethics and codes of practice.


Quantitative research methods:

Experimental design and control; scales of data; distributions; measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability; levels of significance and hypothesis testing; one and two tailed tests; parametric and non-parametric statistics; Mann-Whitney U test; Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Related and independent t-tests. Frequency data. Kruskal-Wallis; Friedman. Introduction to ANOVA and correlation. Control of variables; counter-balancing.

Qualitative research methods:
Background to qualitative research; qualitative research design; introduction to thematic analysis.

Informed consent; deception; sensitive subjects; vulnerable participants; codes of practice.

Literature searches; presenting findings; introduction to data handling using software packages; using tables and figures; developing arguments; referencing.

Module Skills

Skills Type Skills details
Application of Number Application of number will be addressed throughout the module, in regards to the production and interpretation of descriptive and inferential statistics.
Communication Students will understand the importance of information and clear communication and how to exploit these. They will know how to use the many sources of information available and how to use the most appropriate form of communication to the best advantage. They will learn to be clear and direct in their communication and to be direct about aims and objectives. They will learn to consider only that which is relevant to the topic and to focus on the objectives of their argument or discussion. Seminars will be run in groups where oral discussion and presentations will form the main medium of teaching. Students will be expected to submit their work in word-processed format and the presentation of work should reflect effective expression of ideas and good use of language skills in order to ensure clarity, coherence and effective communication.
Improving own Learning and Performance The module aims to promote self-management but within a context of assistance from both the facilitator and the fellow students alike. Students will be expected to improve their own learning and performance by undertaking their own research and to exercise their own initiative, including searching for sources, compiling reading lists, and deciding (under guidance) the direction of their practical topics.
Information Technology Students will be expected to submit their work in word-processed format. Also, students will be encouraged to search for sources of information on the web, as well as seeking sources through electronic information sources (such as Web of Science and PsychLit; PsychInfo). Students will be introduced to the use of software packagaes such as SPSS, Excel and Powerpoint. Students will be assessed on their ability to use SPSS within the assessment criteria of the lab reports.
Personal Development and Career planning The discussions in particular will help to develop students' verbal and presentation skills. Learning about the process of planning projects, framing the parameters of the projects, honing and developing the projects and seeing through to completion will contribute towards their portfolio of transferable skills.
Problem solving Independent project work and problem solving will be one of the central goals of the module; the submission of 2 practical reports will require that the student develops independent research skills as well as problem solving skills. The ability of students to solve problems will be developed and assessed by asking them to: adopt differing points of view; organize data and estimate an answer to the problem; consider case studies; reason logically; apply theoretical models; consider similar cases;
Research skills The submission of coursework will reflect the independent research skills of the student. The need to locate appropriate research resources and write up results will also facilitate research skills. Research preparation for the assessments will also enable the student to develop independent project skills. Students will also develop skills in developing and framing research questions, identifying sources for literature searches, and in conducting literature searches using appropriate resources
Subject Specific Skills Students will have the opportunity to develop a wide range of subject specific skills that will help them to understand, conceptualise and choose appropriate research methods and statistical tests. These subject specific skills include: *Assessment of scientific methods in psychology. *Differentiation between quantitative and qualitative methods of inquiry. *Demonstration of a familiarity with the techniques required for literature searches. *Appreciation of the nature of ethical research in the social sciences.
Team work Practical classes will consist in part of small-group discussion where students will be obliged to discuss as a group the core issues related to research topics. Such class room debates and discussions are a vital component of the module. Students will also work in groups to develop one of their pieces of coursework.


This module is at CQFW Level 4