Human Geography
Blwyddyn Academaidd: 2025/2026Cynllun Anrhydedd Sengl - iawn o 2019/2020
Hyd (astudio Llawn Amser): 4 blwyddyn
Rheolau Rhan 1
Blwyddyn 1
Craidd (100 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
GS01120Information in a Post-Truth World
GS09720Introduction to Social Science
Semester 2
GS09620The "Othered" Migrant: Social Science Perspectives
Semester 2
GS00820Understanding Change - Environment, People, Places
GS09820Representing the Other: Cultures and Clashes
Blwyddyn 2
Craidd (80 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
GS10220Conflict and Change: the making of urban and rural spaces
orDA10520Newid a gwrthdaro: Cynhyrchu gofodau gwledig a threfol
GS13000Researching the World: data collection and analysis
orDA10300Ymchwilio'r Byd: Casglu a Dadansoddi Data
Semester 2
GS13020Researching the World: data collection and analysis
orDA10320Ymchwilio'r Byd: Casglu a Dadansoddi Data
Blwyddyn 2
Students must choose one of two parthways. Students cannot mix modules across pathways.
Blwyddyn 2
Pathway 1 - Sociology (Arts). Students must take GS15120 and GS16120
Blwyddyn 2
Pathway 2 - Geography (Science). Students must take GS11520 or DA11520 (dependent on language preference) and GS10520
Rheolau Rhan 2
Blwyddyn 3
Craidd (60 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Blwyddyn 3
Students must take one of these modules.
Semester 1
DA25400Dylunio Ymchwil a Sgiliau Gwaith Maes
GS21500Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
Semester 2
DA25420Dylunio Ymchwil a Sgiliau Gwaith Maes
GS21520Human Geography Research Design and Fieldwork Skills
Blwyddyn 3
Choose 40 credits
Semester 2
GS23710Geographical Information Systems
GS28910Geographical Perspectives on the Sustainable Society
Blwyddyn Olaf
Craidd (40 Credyd)
Modiwl(au) gorfodol.
Semester 1
GS34000Geography Dissertation
orDA34000Traethawd Estynedig Daearyddiaeth
Semester 2
GS34040Geography Dissertation
orDA34040Traethawd Estynedig Daearyddiaeth
Blwyddyn Olaf
(80 credits) Students may take 80 credits. Up to 20 credits may be taken from appropriate modules offered in DGES or in the university.
Semester 1
DA32220Cenedlaetholdeb a chymdeithas
GS37520Urban Risk and Environmental Resilience
Semester 2
GS36820The Global Countryside: Geographical and Sociological Perspectives
GS37920Memory Cultures: heritage, identity and power
Gwobrau safonol Prifysgol Aberystwyth
- Ysgoloriaethau Mynediad / Gwobr Teilyngdod
- Bwrsariaeth Chwaraeon
- Bwrsariaeth Cerddoriaeth
- Ysgoloriaeth Rhagoriaeth Ryngwladol
- Bwrsariaethau Llety
- Bwrsariaethau Aberystwyth
- Bwrsariaethau Gadael Gofal