Welsh Language Standards
Welsh Universities are required to comply with the Welsh Language Standards (No. 6) Regulations 2017. The Welsh Language Standards explain how the University is expected to provide specific services through the medium of Welsh, ensuring that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably than the English language.
Websites (Welsh Language Standards)
- All web pages and online services must be published in Welsh.
- Web pages must be fully functional and published/updated at the same time in Welsh & English. The Welsh / English should include the same information and there must be no delay between updating the Welsh & English versions of the website.
- Each web page must include a ‘Cymraeg’ / ‘English’ link to the equivalent page in Welsh or English. The ‘Cymraeg’/’English’ link must not revert to the homepage or a different webpage. For CMS users, the corresponding Welsh page will be automatically available provided that the section has been given a Welsh name and that the translated content has been approved.
- Welsh web pages must not be treated less favourably in terms of formatting, design, appearance or the text included.
- Hyperlinks included on Welsh web pages must link to the Welsh version of the that page/website. Hyperlinks to external websites on Welsh web pages should link to the Welsh version of that website if available.
- Links to downloadable documents must be to the Welsh version of that document/form on the Welsh web page. The majority of University documents/forms published are available in Welsh and English, but if the document is not available in Welsh (e.g. external reports / research publication / academic papers) a link should be included to the English version of the document on the Welsh page as well. For further information on the Welsh language standard requirements for documents please contact canolfangymraeg@aber.ac.uk
For further information regarding the Welsh language standards requirements for websites, please see guidance or contact canolfangymraeg@aber.ac.uk should you have any questions.