Digital Skills Project Timeline
This page demonstrates some of the main achievements of the Digital Skills Project since its establishment in August 2021.
Launch of AU's Digital Strategy (2021-2025):
Digital skills is one of the four key "foundations" of the strategy

Purchase of a 3-year subscription to the Jisc Digital Discovery Tool and LinkedIn Learning

Establishment of the Digital Skills Project and appointment of a Digital Skills Lead
BlogpostStudent pilot of the Digital Discovery Tool (foundation and first-year students) with 4 academic departments: Business, Psychology, Education, and English & Creative Writing
Approval for the rollout of Digital Discovery Tool: Approval from the Academic Enhancement Committee and Academic Board that all Foundation Year and Year 1 students will be supported to use the Digital Discovery Tool
Professional Services Staff Pilot of the Digital Discovery Tool with Information Services staff and the Admin Forum
Presentation at the Jisc Connect More Panel Discussion - "Developing digital culture in education: How using Jisc's building digital capability service supports digital culture"

Appointment of three Student Digital Champions for the first time
All Foundation Year and First-year students are supported to use the Digital Discovery Tool (~900 students complete the Digital Discovery Tool)
Panel Discussion at AU's 10th Annual Learning and Teaching Conference: 'Supporting the development of students' digital capabilities'

Second student pilot of the Digital Discovery Tool (second-year students) with 4 academic departments: Business, Psychology, Education, and English & Creative Writing
Pilot of a new Blackboard module to support students' engagement with the Digital Discovery Tool and additional resources
Development of two new resources for students and staff - AU Digital Skills Library (Student Library, Staff Library) and LinkedIn Learning Digital Skills Collections (Student Collections, Staff Collections)

Approval for the rollout of Digital Discovery Tool: Approval from the Academic Enhancement Committee that all Undergraduate and Postgraduate students will be supported to use the Digital Discovery Tool from academic year '23-24
Appointment of two Digital Capabilities and Skills Development Coordinators: Shân Saunders and Jia Ping Lee
Digital Skills Team staffStudent Digital Champions project - What do students think of LinkedIn Learning?

Presentation at the Jisc Building Digital Capabilities and Digital Insights community of practice event - "Embracing university-wide collaboration to drive student engagement with the Digital Discovery Tool" (City, University of London)