CYF:66-2203-7230409 - Canmol goruchwyliwr PhD

Dy sylw: I wanted to take the opportunity to give some positive feedback on my PhD supervisor Prof. Mark Whitehead: I only began my PhD study two months ago, in January, and yet I have to say that Mark has been extremely supportive, informative and really welcoming which has been thoroughly reassuring for me, especially in view of the fact this is my first times studying at AU. From my initial conversation with Mark back in November last year on initially considering doing a PhD with AU, he has been extremely helpful and prompt in terms of getting back to me with info./ responding to email queries. I'm doing this first semester, at least, remotely and I don't for a minute feel any less connected as an AU student - on the contrary - Mark has really helped me feel part of the AU culture, in spite of the fact that I'm doing online learning for the time being (which I opted to do). His own expertise within research is very evident and despite this he is very willing to allow myself as a PhD student to "take the lead" in terms of organising myself, whilst feeding in his own valuable insight and experience with regards to timing, pace and organisation of research etc. I'm very grateful indeed to have been assigned to such a discerning supervisor, and really wanted to give some feedback to convey this. 

Ein hymateb:

Diolch am roi o’ch amser i gyflwyno eich sylwadau hynod gadarnhaol am eich profiad hyd yma fel aelod o gymuned uwchraddedig DGES. Mae’n bleser clywed eich bod yn teimlo mor gartrefol yn yr adran er eich bod yn astudio o bell ar hyn o bryd. Fe wnaf i rannu eich sylwadau gyda Mark, rwy’n siŵr y bydd yn eu gwerthfawrogi’n fawr. Rwy’n sicr yn falch iawn i weithio gyda chydweithwyr sy’n ymroi i rannu eu harbenigedd ymchwil a chefnogi myfyrwyr, lle bynnag y bônt. Gobeithio y byddwn maes o law yn gallu cyfarfod wyneb yn wyneb yn DGES, ond rwy’n falch iawn i wybod eich bod yn teimlo cysylltiad â ni.