CYF:66-2205-7587210 - Canmol modiwl

Dy sylw: WL10420 I have thoroughly enjoyed this module. Initially, I was slightly hesitant about choosing the module as it is a WL module with a Creative focus (I'm study purely English Literature (course code Q300)). However, this module has been one of the most helpful modules I've taken in my first year of study. I've found the freedom given to Critical students beneficial- my seminar tutor allowed me to create my own questions/choose my own texts for the assignments. This allowed me to choose texts that I was confident with, thus allowing me to give greater focus to my essay technique and critical approach (whereas if I was new to the text/period, I'd have to spend more time researching and understanding the text itself). In this module, I've had the opportunity to practice skills that I've learnt in the core module, Critical Practice, in greater detail. In addition, I've found it really useful to be in a class of Creative students. It has been enlightening to hear their perspectives and learn from their approaches to works of literature. Ultimately, the literature we Critical thinkers analyse come from Creative minds, and thus it's useful to try to think about texts from their perspective, too. Next year (my second undergraduate year) I have chosen the only WL module available to me, purely sue to my experience on this module, Introduction to Poetry, and the first-year WL module with a Critical focus, Literature and the Sea. I would encourage Critical students looking to gain perspective and strengthen their analytical skills to take this module.

Ein hymateb:

Rwyf i’n falch iawn i glywed cymaint rydych chi wedi mwynhau WL10420 - diolch am eich adborth. Y gwerth rydych chi’n ei nodi o ran cymryd modiwlau, fel Introduction to Poetry, sy’n croesi’r rhaniad creadigol/beirniadol yw’r union beth sy’n sail ar gyfer ethos ein cwricwlwm: i fod yn awdur da rhaid i chi fod wedi darllen yn eang ac i fod yn feirniad da rhaid i chi ddeall y broses greadigol. Mae’n wych clywed y byddwch yn parhau i ddilyn modiwlau WL y flwyddyn nesaf. Rydym ni’n araf yn cynyddu’r nifer o fodiwlau ag “asesiad hybrid” sy’n gadael i fyfyrwyr ymateb i dasgau asesu naill ai yn y modd creadigol neu’r modd beirniadol - rwy’n siŵr eich bod wedi nodi rhai o’r rhain wrth wneud eich dewisiadau modiwl ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, a byddwch chi’n gweld mwy o opsiynau fel hyn pan gyrhaeddwch y drydedd flwyddyn. Unwaith eto, diolch am eich adborth a’ch anogaeth werthfawr i fyfyrwyr y dyfodol ddilyn eich llwybr.