CYF: 66-2310-4419011 - Bargeinion Bar yr Undeb wedi dychwelyd

Dy sylw: Why have the SU bar removed their drink deals? They used to have good steins deals on a Wednesday which is why our club would come here to start a social, but we may as well just start in town now. Please bring back the deals, we're students - we love deals, an SU bar is meant to be a cheap fun place with loads of deals, not somewhere expensive and fancy. This puts me and my friends off coming .

Ein hymateb:

Diolch am eich adborth ynghylch cynigion y bar yn Undeb y Myfyrwyr

Rydym wedi ystyried eich sylwadau ac rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod cytundeb Steins yn dychwelyd ar unwaith – byddwn hefyd yn edrych ar fargeinion diodydd eraill y gallwn eu cynnig ac felly gwyliwch y gofod hwn ac ymweld â bar yr Undeb i weld mwy!