Dr Gabor Gelleri

Dr Gabor Gelleri

Uwch Ddarlithydd

Manylion Cyswllt

Noder: Mae gwybodaeth ychwanegol neu manylach ar y fersiwn Saesneg o'r proffil hwn.


Module Coordinator

Oriau Swydda (Amseroedd Cyswllt Myfyrwyr)


Gelleri, G 2024, A Slow Boat to Indochina: Immobility and Micro-movements on the Road to Indochina. in C Forsdick, Z Kinsley & K Walchester (eds), Microtravel: Confinement, Deceleration, Microspection. Anthem Studies in Travel, Anthem Press.
Gelleri, G 2021, Ars apodemica gendered: female advice for travels. in G Gelleri & R Willie (eds), Travel and Conflict in the Early Modern World. Taylor & Francis.
Gelleri, G & Willie, RJ 2021, Introduction. in Travel and Conflict in the Early Modern World. Taylor & Francis.
Gelleri, G 2020, 'Les Lettres édifiantes jésuites dans les mains des éditeurs: le « fatras » et l’information', Verbum Analecta Neolatina, vol. 21, no. 1-2. <https://www.verbum-analectaneolatina.hu/index.php/verbum/article/view/245>
Gelleri, G 2020, Lessons of Travel in Eighteenth-Century France: From Grand Tour to School Trips. Studies in the Eighteenth Century, Boydell & Brewer.
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