Complaints Procedure

Estates, Facilities and Residences provides Cleaning, Portering and Security Services across all our University buildings, along with the Management of the University portfolio of almost 4,000 study bedrooms and adjoining areas. The department is responsive to the needs of our students and welcomes comments and complaints as a means of improving services.
Residences Complaints Procedure
From time to time things don't go quite right, or we may not meet your expectations from the service we provide but we will always be able to give you an explanation of how a decision has been made.
This procedure is designed to deal with complaints from Aberystwyth University students, living in University owned and managed accommodation, and provides information on:
- How to make a complaint.
- How you can expect us to deal with it.
- What you can do if you're unhappy with our response.
Informal Complaints
In the first instance please contact our Residences Reception, either in person at Y Sgubor (Fferm Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3BY) or, by emailing/calling via / 01970 622984. We also provide drop-in sessions for students to voice any complaints or concerns. Should you have an urgent complaint, especially in relation to reporting of Health & Safety issues, contact the 24/7 University Helpline on 01970 622900.
Your complaint will be acknowledged within 72 hours (excluding weekends, public holidays and official University holidays) and responded to fully within 10 working days on receipt of the complaint. If, due to exceptional or unforeseen circumstances we are unable to provide a full response, we will inform you of this and keep you informed of the progress.
University Formal Complaints Procedure
Following the informal complaints stage, should you believe that the complaint has not yet been resolved satisfactorily, you can escalate your complaint via the University's formal complaints procedure. This is co-ordinated by the Academic Quality and Records Office and full details can be found on their Complaints Procedure page.